Our Primary Care Services are a personalized approach to assessment, treatment, and management of your healthcare concerns.



Prevent illness or address issues with compassionate and effective family medicine visits for ages 18 and up.

  • Family Medicine

  • Anxiety/Depression/Hormonal Dysregulation

  • Headaches

  • Colds and flu

  • Addiction Disorders: Sex, Drugs, OCD

  • Attention Deficit Disorders/Work Shift Disorders

  • Medically Supervised Weight Management

  • Menopause/Andropause

  • Erectile Dysfunction

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  • Preventative Medicine with nutritional, lifestyle, and fitness counseling.

  • Wellness/Physical Exams, which include quality of life measures with a body, mind, and soul approach.

  • Phone consult and evaluation when necessary. You can call and be treated anywhere.

  • Pre-operative clearance.

  • Supervision of in-hospital stays if preferred.

  • Follow-up visits to fully review results of testing in order to further promote understanding of your health patterns.

  • The opportunity to get to know you as an individual with plenty of time for unique lifestyle and health profile assessments and individualized treatment plans.

  • Collaborate, comfort, review treatment regimens, and work towards health goals specific for each individual.

  • Advocate with specialists and other care providers on your behalf.

  • Be available when you need us with appointments that start on time, when you want, how you want, tailored just for your particular needs.



Our team of qualified medical professionals are here to serve you. Our goal is to help you feel better than ever with modern treatment modalities and proven protocols. Please provide your contact information and one of our staff will be in touch shortly.